Equity Advisory Council

The Equity Advisory Council (EAC) is a standing advisory group created to learn and understand the experiences and needs of CUSD's culturally and linguistically diverse students and families. The EAC's efforts will focus on developing and adapting the Equity Action Plan and advising the Governing Board, administration, faculty, and staff.

 EAC general membership consists of both district staff and community members. Membership includes students, caregivers, and community member who represent CUSD's culturally and linguistically diverse families and school and district staff members representing each CUSD site and district department. 

 Due to the fluid nature of school association, membership may increase or decrease as students, community members, parents, and staff shift grades and positions. Members will serve the council so long as they have the capacity to do so. 

Equity Statement

CUSD commits to implementing equity driven policies and practices that affirm all unique backgrounds, identities, and lived experiences. This includes, but is not limited to, race, gender, ethnicity, language, sexual orientation, belief, family structure, socioeconomic status, religion, and (dis)ability.

CUSD is accountable to support and prepare all students, especially historically underserved students, to be independent learners who can thrive in and contribute to a global, just society.

We have a responsibility to provide training and education to all CUSD staff, students, and families to recognize, acknowledge, and address individual and institutional oppression and injustice.