Teacher Resources
Digital Library Training Videos
The CDE is pleased to announce a new training video for Digital Library users titled, “Exploring the Smarter Balanced Digital Library.” This 29-minute video is presented in three segments:
Teacher Tool Box
California Dept. of Education Resources
English Language Arts Standards Appendix A
English Language Arts Standards Appendix B
English Language Arts Standards Appendix C
Mathematics Standards Appendix A
Helpful Sites
Classroom video clips of teachers using CCSS
Classroom video clips & blogs
CCSS Overview, Shifts and Literacy and Mathematical Practice Video Clips
"Shift" Handouts and CCSS PD Modules
Tulare County Office of Education
ELA/Literacy CCSS Lesson Templates
Scroll down the page until you see the "ELA CCCSS Templates" heading.
CCSS resources being used in New York
SBAC Online Practice Items
Scroll down the page until you see the "Item/Task Specifications" heading. These are the released Items that have the supporting documentation, including rubrics and text complexity descriptions.
Videos on the Common Core
Smarter Balanced Interim Assessment Resources
Smarter Balanced Interim Assessment Website