Career Technical Education

Career Technical Education (CTE) integrates rigorous academics with career-based learning and real world workplace experiences.  Claremont Unified School District as member of Baldy View Regional Occupation Program (BVROP) provide students with industry relevant learning experiences through career-oriented pathways in a variety of field.

College & Career Services

The following college and career services are offered at Claremont HIgh School (CHS) and San Antonio High School (SAHS).

  • CTE Courses (during the school day and selected courses after school)

    • Career Technical Education courses can provide students what's needed to succeed for life: technical skills, academic skills, and employability skills.

  • College Credit Courses

    • College credit courses are offered at both CHS and SAHS.  Students earn college credits that are transferable to UC/CSU.

  • Career Guidance Information

    • Receive information and assistance with resumes, interviewing skills, job search strategies, and career exploration.

  • CTE Workforce Development

    • Find out about student internship opportunities.

  • College Presenations

    • Speak with representatives from various colleges.

  • Workshops

    • Learn about financial aid, college applications, resume writing, interviewing skills, and more!

  • College Fair and Career Tech Showcase

    • Don't miss out on the Annual College & Career Fairs.

  • Work Permits & Job Opportunities

  • Scholarship Opportunities 

Annual Evaluation of CTE Program:  High- Quality CTE Program Evaluation for 2020-2021 school year.

For more information, please contact the following:

CUSD Career Technician, Suzanne Miller (909-624-9053 ext 30442), serving both CHS and SAHS.

CHS Counseling Department


CTE Video