Career Technical Education
Career Technical Education (CTE) integrates rigorous academics with career-based learning and real world workplace experiences. Claremont Unified School District as member of Baldy View Regional Occupation Program (BVROP) provide students with industry relevant learning experiences through career-oriented pathways in a variety of field.
College & Career Services
The following college and career services are offered at Claremont HIgh School (CHS) and San Antonio High School (SAHS).
CTE Courses (during the school day and selected courses after school)
Career Technical Education courses can provide students what's needed to succeed for life: technical skills, academic skills, and employability skills.
College Credit Courses
College credit courses are offered at both CHS and SAHS. Students earn college credits that are transferable to UC/CSU.
Career Guidance Information
Receive information and assistance with resumes, interviewing skills, job search strategies, and career exploration.
CTE Workforce Development
Find out about student internship opportunities.
College Presenations
Speak with representatives from various colleges.
Learn about financial aid, college applications, resume writing, interviewing skills, and more!
College Fair and Career Tech Showcase
Don't miss out on the Annual College & Career Fairs.
Work Permits & Job Opportunities
Scholarship Opportunities
Annual Evaluation of CTE Program: High- Quality CTE Program Evaluation for 2020-2021 school year.
For more information, please contact the following:
Claudia Hile
CUSD Career Technician (serving both CHS and SAHS)
Phone: (909) 624-9053, Ext.30442
CHS Counseling Department
Phone: (909) 624-9053, Ext.30412